Monday, May 16, 2016

Will Be Back With New Fresh Updates...LIVE N LIFE!!!

Assalamualaikum wbt.... and Good Morning bloggers...

Semalam, tetiba je terfikir nak tulis blog sebab dah boring sangat tak tahu nak buat ape walaupun i know kerja rumah tu memang xakan pernah habis kemasnya... I'm searching again where's my older BLOG???
MashaAllah, klik klik taip taip password, rupanya masih ada lagi....Berkurun dah tak hupdate pape pn... The last update is in July 2012...Tu pun seketul je...hihihihi...But it's okay since now not so much to do and because of the lonely tunes of my life, i decided to write...write and write.... And for your information, I'm in the mood to asah my English language yg kinda broken sgt ni since dekat office skrg ni our Big Boss ask all the staff to speak English....But sorry for my Manglish....Hope you all's don't bother with it...

BTW i love to TRAVEL....Travelling is my new hobby....Dulu poket ciput tu yang xpegi memana...jalan jalan dalam Malaysia jer...simpan duit nak pegi Mekah...hihihi...and dreams come true... in April 2014, i've been flying to Mecca with my parents and it was my 1st flight ever in my life....jakun sekejap sbb xpernah naik flight sepanjang 30 tahun hidup... here some of the pictures masa buat Umrah dulu....

 This picture was taken at Jeddah International Airport...9 hours non stop flying from KLIA and safely arriving....#mukapenat but dalam hati happy nyerrr tak terkira...
 Our first Subuh Prayers at Masjidil Nabawi...My mom soo happy until the tears came out..
Mari memakmurkan perniagaan dibumi barkah Madinah...Keluar pintu masjid je terus ada orang berjual jual...sedia jela dlm poket riyal2 nyer...
Our Hotel..nearby Masjid Nabawi, Madinah

Me infront the Masjidil Nabawi main door.. walking out in the middle of crowd worldwide people n culture...I don't know why the camera only focusing on my face...
The most place that i remember is here in Bukit Magnet...The most beautiful desert in Madinah....The most uniqe n wonders on the world..Bayangkan bas boleh bergerak sendiri ke arah bukit magnet tu...100km/hr taw...Letak botol pun boleh bergolek sendiri atas kawasan rata...Sila Google kalau nak tahulebih lanjut keajaiban Bukit Magnet disini...Me n my mom sedang menikmati Ice Cream terbaik yg yummy...

Ni lah sebahagian dari jemaah yang dalam Kumpulan kami...Kanan skali tu our Mutawif Ustaz Jazim...
Dah tak ingat siapa yang tolong snap gambar ni..btw gambar ni mmg awesome...cantik betul pemandangan belakang tu...

As You can see, kami melawat kebun Kurma...Bertempat di King Fahd, Madinah....

One of beautiful art in King Fahd.....sambil tu boleh lepak lepak minum fii syaiiii dan fii kahwah....fardhon...fardhon...nak rasa kurma satu je taw...kalau lebih dia kata harammm...huhuhu...So boleh la korg shopping kurma dan coklat disini ya...fresh dari ladang...

Tempat miqad pertama kami...Masjid Bir Ali...Bagi yang dari Madinah untuk menunaikan umrah ke Mekah akan berhenti disini untuk bermiqad. Bolehlah buat solat sunat disini..Lepas kita berniat tu kita dah pun dalam syarat Ihram...dah kene berjaga-jaga agar tak melanggar syarat dalam ihram....

MashaAllah...indahnya belakang tu...its Kaabah...kali pertama lihat depan mata, saya rasa macam tak percaya dan terpegun...betapa wanginya kelambu kaabah ni...Walaupun sy tak dapat cium hajarul aswad, dapat cium kelambu Kaabah yang wangi tu pun sy dh bersyukur...Alhamdulillah...

The Great Kaabah...Cantik tak saya snap wallpaper sy ni...bole jadi gila bayang rindu tengok ni hari hari...

At Jabbal Rahmah....saya dah doa dah semoga saya berjodoh dengan seseorang di kehidupan dunia yang sementara ni...sob..sob..sob...Aminnn Allahumma Amin...

Jabbal Rahmah juga adalah tempat jemaah berkumpul untuk berwukuf di Arafah...
Saie...Pengalaman pertama saie saya cukup menginsafkan diri ini....Alhamdulillah Allah masih sayang dan bagi hidayah...moga-moga segala dosa-dosa saya gugur bersama-sama rambut yang dipotong semasa bertahalul...rambut itu akan menjadi cahaya kita diakhirat nanti...wallahualam...Alahmdulillah selesai sudah Umrah wajib saya..lepas ni Umrah sunat pula...Moga dapat berkunjung lagi ke sini...Aminn...Allahumma amin...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Dah lama rasanya tak update blog ni...huhu..since 2009??? OMG... dat was 3 years back!!!

AND I'M BACK HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Nampaknyer saya dah terlalu bosan sbb xde kerja sgt kt ofis baru ni..
Dats why rs gatal tgn nak update blog...
Tapi...tak tahu nak update apa ya???

Mungkin i will start with luahan-luahan hati yg sering berduka lara ni...huwawawa...

Ya Allah, lindungilah hambaMu dan permudahkanlah jalan hidupku...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Jalan Jalan Cameron

Dis is our vacation last week..we really did enjoy the trip..lgpun da lamer xdpt kumpul sama2 since masing2 da kije n bawak haluan masing2.. But hope after dis kita bleh spent masa 4 another vacation lg..Luv u guys...<3

ni dkt strawberry park..our 1st destination yg kita singgah...

Green View Point...Bunga2 matahari...

Still at the same point...

Dis one brenti dkt pasar yg ader jual2 strawberry...dont remember what name of dis place loh..

Cameron highland Valley Tea..

Dis is also soo green facinating!!!

Dis one is infront of the hotel...Rosa Passadena
@Rosak Pasar Deme..haha

Monday, October 12, 2009

Teruskanlah - Agnes Monica

Pernahkah kau bicara
Tapi tak di dengar
Tak di anggap
Sama sekali..

Pernahkan kau tak salah
Tapi disalahkan
Tak di beri

Reff :
Kuhidup dengan siapa
Ku tak tau kau siapa
Kau kekasihku tapi
Orang lain bagiku

Kau dengan dirimu saja
Kau dengan duniamu saja
Teruskan lah.. Teruskan lah
Kau begitu

Kau tak butuh diriku
Aku patung bagimu
Cinta buta
Kebutuhan mu

Back to reff.

Hoo.. Hooo

Kau dengan dirimu saja
Kau dengan duniamu saja
Teruskan lah.. Teruskan lah
Kau.. kau begitu

Teruskan lah... teruskan lah.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Memahami Maksud takdir Allah swt...

Ketika ini, aku tiba-tiba berasa ragu dan sangsi dengan hati dan perasaan, aku cuba berbicara dengan Allah..."Ya Allah sesungguhnya aku tau Engkau mendengar apa yang aku katakan ini, maka berikanlah petunjuk dan jalan pada hatiku yang keliru ini..Berbicaralah Ya Allah agar aku mendapat petunjuk Mu itu.." Lalu aku menoleh ke arah majalah yang berada ditanganku dan mata ku terus terpandang pada satu artikel yang mengandungi Surah Al-baqarah ayat 216...

Artikel itu berbunyi...:

Mana mungkin kita mengelakkan daripada diuji kerana itu adalah takdir Allah SWT. Yang mampu kita buat hanyalah meningkatkan tahap kebergantungan kita kepada Allah di samping berusaha sedaya upaya menyelesaikan masalah itu.

Ungkapan yang terkenal:
"We can't direct the wind but we can adjust our sail..."
"Kita tidak mampu mengawal arah tiupan angin, kita hanya mampu mengawal kemudi pelayaran kita..."

Kemudi dalam pelayaran kita adalah hati. hati yang bersifat bolak-balik (terutama bila diuji) hanya akan tenang bila kita beriman kepada Allah, yakin kepada kasih sayang, keampunan dan sifat pemurah-Nya. Dalam apa jua takdir yang ditimpakanNya ke atas kita adalah bermaksud baik sekalipun kelihatan negatif. Baik dan buruk hanya pada pandangan kita yang terbatas, namun pada pandanganNya yang Maha luas, semua yang ditakdirkan ke atas hambaNya pasti bermaksud baik.

Tidak salah untuk kita menyelesaikan masalah yang menimpa (bahkan kita dituntut untuk berbuat demikian), namun jika masalah itu tidak juga dapat diselesaikan, bersangkalah baik kepada Allah berdasarkan firmanNya:
"Ada perkara yang kamu tidak suka tetapi ia baik bagi kamu dan ada perkara yang kamu suka tetapi ia buruk bagi kamu, dan sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui dan kamu tidak mengetahuinya..." (Surah al-Baqarah: ayat 216)

Seorang ahli hikmah, Ibn Atoillah menjelaskan hakikat ini menerusi katanya , "barang siapa yang menyangka sifat kasih sayang Allah terpisah dalam takdirNya maka itu adalah kerana pendeknya penglihatan akal dan mata hati seseorang..."

Renung-renungkanlah wahai teman-teman...sekiranya kita susah hati maka berbicaralah pada Allah, pasti Allah akan menolong mu kerana Allah itu maha pengasih lagi Maha penyayang...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pray for the Good...n be Blessed..

Tears will fall after reading this.......they will, sooner or later!!!!!!!!!!

A young man had been to Wednesday Night Class of Quranic Studies.The Mualim had shared about listening to Allah and obeying Allah through intuition.The young man couldn't help but wonder, 'Does Allah still speak to people through intuition?'After Lessons, he went out with some friends for coffee and pie and they discussed the message. Several different ones talked about how Allah had led them in different ways and that at the end you'll know it was Allah(SWT) Who has directed you.It was about ten o'clock when the young man started driving home. Sitting in his car, he just began to pray, 'Allah...If you still speak to people, speak to me. I will listen.
I will do my best to obey.'

As he drove down the main street of his town, he had the strangest thought to stop and buy a gallon of milk.He shook his head and said out loud, 'Allah is that you?' He didn't get a reply and started on toward home.But again, the thought, buy a gallon of milk came into his head.'Okay, Allah, in case that is you, I will buy the milk.' It didn't seem like too hard a test of obedience. He could always use the milk. He stopped and purchased the gallon of milk and started off toward home.As he passed Seventh Street , he again felt the urge, 'Turn Down that street.'
This is crazy he thought, and drove on past the intersection.Again, he felt that he should turn down Seventh Street ..At the next intersection, he turned back and headed down Seventh.Half jokingly, he said out loud, 'Okay, Allah, I will.'

He drove several blocks, when suddenly, he felt like he should stop. He pulled over to the curb and looked around. He was in a semi-commercial area of town. It wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst of neighborhoods either. The businesses were closed and most of the houses looked dark like the people were already in bed.

Again, he sensed something, 'Go and give the milk to the people in the house across the street.' The young man looked at the house. It was dark and it looked like the people were either gone or they were already asleep. He started to open the door and then sat back in the car seat.'

Allah, this is insane. Those people are asleep and if I wake them up, they are going to be mad and I will look stupid.' Again, he felt like he should go and give the milk.Finally, he opened the door, 'Okay Allah(SWT), if this is you, I will go to the door and I will give them the milk. If you want me to look like a crazy person, okay. I want to be obedient. I guess that will count for something, but if they don't answer right away, I am out of here.'

He walked across the street and rang the bell. He could hear some noise inside. A man's voice yelled out, 'Who is it? What do you want?' Then the door opened before the young man could get away.

The man was standing there in his jeans and T-shirt. He looked like he just got out of bed. He had a strange look on his face and he didn't seem too happy to have some stranger standing on his doorstep.'What is it?'

The young man thrust out the gallon of milk, 'Here, I brought this to you.'
The man took the milk and rushed down a hallway. Then from down the hall came a woman carrying the milk toward the kitchen. The man was following her holding a baby. The baby was crying. The man had tears streaming down his face.

The man began speaking and half crying, 'We were just praying. We had some big bills this month and we ran out of money. We didn't have any milk for our baby. I was just praying and asking Allah(SWT) to show me how to get some milk.'
His wife in the kitchen yelled out, 'I ask him to send an Angel with some.
Are you an Angel?'
The young man reached into his wallet and pulled out all the money he had on him and put in the man's hand. He turned and walked back toward his car and the tears were streaming down his face.

He knew that Allah (SWT) still answers prayers.

NOW HERE'S THE TEST....If you believe that Allah (SWT) answers prayers, send this to everyone you care about and also the person that sent it to you!!!!!!!!!If you do not send nothing will happen to you, but if you send you might just be sending someone hope and belief that Allah (SWT) hears our prayers and give hope to those who have already lost faith considering the situation most people.Sometimes it's the simplest things that Allah (SWT) asks us to do, that enable us to understand His words clearer and better than ever.Please listen, and obey!It will bless you and others

Monday, September 28, 2009


Salam Aidilfitri...

Raya kali ini suasana nyer sederhana tapi meriah. but di dalam kegembiraan kami sekeluarga, mungkin ada keluarga yang bersedih dengan kehilangan sanak saudara atau mungkin juga ada yang terpaksa beraya di perantauan.. but to my friends yg beraya di perantauan, don't be year must a be a happy raya for you guys..
to all people yg bersedih, jangan berhenti berdoa kerana kemungkinan hari esok dan seterusnya adalah hari yang lebih baik dan gembira buat kalian..
Allah sentiasa bersama dengan orang2 yang sabar...Aminnn..

below this, i snap some pics from this raya celebration...

sesi memohon maaf di pagi raya... me, mom n ain...

me with ain...... bendang???soo calm... with familys........

peace...nk p openhouse nih...ini bini2 headmasters n familys..